Working Groups

Forest Supervisors Williams and Stewart sign first large Environmental Impact Statement decision
Draft EIS Work Group
The Draft EIS Work Group works intensively to draft input and comment letters for parts of the environmental planning process (Proposed Action; Draft EIS) on behalf of the stakeholder group. Currently, the Draft EIS Work Group is focused on providing comprehensive input to the Rim Country Draft EIS.
Multi-Party Monitoring Board
The Multi-Party Monitoring Board’s (MPMB) mission is to ensure that 4FRI monitoring leads to collaborative learning and to determine if treatments are meeting the desired conditions of a restored fire-adapted ecosystem and resilient ecological and socioeconomic processes across the entire 2.4-million-acre landscape.
Industry/Biomass Work Group
This group currently focuses on 1) creating a revolving “dashboard” of metrics that indicate progress toward meeting restoration treatment acres and wood supplies; 2) providing socio-economic inputs for the Rim Country EIS; and 3) coordinating with the Forest Service to develop a more robust collaboration to facilitate economic needs.
Comprehensive Implementation Work Group
The Comprehensive Implementation Working Group (CIWG) is an effort to improve the coordination and tracking of restoration activities. The CIWG works with the Forest Service and other partners to identify and prioritize projects.
Communications Work Group
The Communications Work Group (CWG) was formed to share information about the full suite of 4FRI activities and forest restoration occurring across northern Arizona to the 4FRI Stakeholder Group; the general public; government officials, from locals to Capitol Hill; media; business and industry; and all partners.
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