Who Are We?
Embarking on a 20-year initiative to restore northern Arizona’s ponderosa pine forests at the landscape scale requires substantial up-front commitment, investment, and assurance of direction. Many individuals and groups, including members of local, county, and state governments, environmental groups, organizations, institutions, and industry representatives have made that commitment. Collectively, these diverse stakeholders have come to be known as the 4FRI Stakeholder Group.
The 4FRI Stakeholder Group is not exclusive. New individuals and groups may join at any time, and members of the public have the same rights and opportunities for access to information and input into the process whether or not they choose to join the collaborative.
The 4FRI Stakeholder Group has formed several working groups to work on specific projects, respond to public input requests, and resolve various interests and concerns.
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Four Forest Restoration Initiative – Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.